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Five Friday Favorites

Five Friday Favorites

Cue the Friday dance!!!


Somehow, someway, we made it to another Friday. Seeing as though I successfully gave myself a concussion on Tuesday, I’m pretty glad I made it to Friday. But no really, I got a concussion at work on Tuesday. It was bad and the past few days have been rough. So needless to say I’m pretty pumped about Friday!

one. My new Keurig!

I saw an amazing deal on Groupon Goods a few weeks ago and had to jump on it! I’ve had my Keurig since my senior year of college and well, that was over 5 years ago, and it was on it’s way out. (Right Kristin?!?) I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to get the Vue and so far I love it! I’m excited to try out the latte and cappuccino function!

two. Floating the River {with the most awesome people in the world}

Floating the river in New Braunfels is one of my most favorite things to do every summer. It usually happens a few times and this weekend we’re kicking off the summer season and celebrating two super awesome people who’s birthday’s are over the next week!
The girls at last year’s family float!

three. Free SHOtime and Starz.

JP successfully complained to AT&T Uverse when our rates went way up and we got free movie channels for the next three months! I’ve been able to record a bunch of movies we wanted to see or see again. So far, a few I’ve recorded Brave, Tangled, the last Twilight movie (don’t judge me), The Amazing Spiderman, some Narnia movies, and a bunch of others. Yay free movies!

four. Maxi dresses. 

I’m obsessed. This isn’t a recent discovery by any means, but this is the perfect time of year to wear every maxi dress you own.

Corpus Christi anniversary weekend
Chandra’s Bachelorette weekend {I’m not the only one loving maxi’s!}

five. This guy!

You didn’t think that I would forget my amazing husband who rushed home from work on Tuesday to take care of his batter, bruised and completely out of it wife did you? JP has been amazing this week. He’s stayed home to take care of me, made sure I didn’t do anything stupid, pass out or die in my sleep. That’s love right there. Oh and did I mention, it’s his birthday!!! That’s right, my amazing husband is officially 28 years old. Which means I like him even more now seeing as though 28 is my favorite number! Yay! I love you babe and I’m ready to go celebrate with our amazing friends at the river! How did I get to lucky?

Now to rest my head and prepare for the river!

What are your favorites this Friday?
Have you ever had a concussion?

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