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Powerful Encouragement for Stressed Out Moms

Powerful Encouragement for Stressed Out Moms

“The days are long, but the years are short,” is a proverb many moms know all too well. It’s hard to savor each moment when stress and anxiety over everyday tasks like getting kids to school on time or preparing a meal for a family of five can quickly set in. But it’s essential to find moments of peace and powerful encouragement for moms to help them take a deep breath and recharge.

Scroll through this list of ideas that promote positive affirmations for moms – they’ll keep your head up and help remind you that even when things are tough, there will always be someone by your side through all ups and downs.

Positive affirmations and powerful encouragement for moms on days that just feel tough! Learn to set goals as a mom and find encouragement to get there.

Powerful, Positive Encouragement Ideas for Moms

Set a goal.

Life is all about setting and achieving goals, one after another. Often we forget our own goals when we become mothers. What’s something you have wanted to achieve for a long time, but maybe slacked off on? Whether it’s learning to bake a cake from scratch, run a 5K, start and maintain a fitness routine or lose that next stubborn 10 pounds, whatever your goal is, crush it!

Goal setting for moms

Remember to set SMART goals so they are attainable! Lofty goals are hard to achieve because they’re unrealistic. When you’re shooting for a lofty goal, it can be incredibly discouraging. By having all 5 of the SMART components (listed in the image above) you will have:

  • clarity for success
  • trackable metrics
  • a clear path and finish line

Learn more about the importance of SMART goal setting!

A goal without a plan is just a dream.

Start with the end in mind. The biggest goal-setting mistake most people make is not having an end plan. You have dreams, now take one of your dreams and make a plan to achieve it. The dream becomes a goal once you put the plan into action. 

Related Post: How to set goals and choose a word of the year

Positive Affirmations for Moms

Sometimes all we need is a positive affirmation and reminder that we are strong and can take on the day. Here is some powerful encouragement for moms!

I’ve got this!

You have to wake up every morning and tell yourself “I’ve got this.” When you start the day off thinking “I’ve got this”, it will help you to feel like you are going to conquer the day, and you will. The power of positive words is bigger than you think!

Keep going, you are getting there.

You’ve been working so hard on improving and loving yourself, and maybe it has gotten a little rocky? Keep going! You are much further than when you started. Don’t give up now – your goal is just ahead of the finish line. Push through to reach that prize at the end because you’ve got what it takes

You were not even close before but now look where you are…you’re right there by the finishing point with fewer hurdles in-between to clear. Hang tight for one more push and then all that work will pay off big time!

You may not feel tough in the moment, but you are. You made it this far so keep at it until you reach your goal! Never quit or give up on what is important to you.

Happy family providing positive encouragement for moms

I am confident and strong. I can do hard things.

This is a personal favorite of mine that I often use to remind myself that I am stronger, more capable, and more confident than I think. Sometimes, reminding yourself that you have these qualities within you helps encourage you to dig a little deeper.

This can be applied to goals or even motherhood. Some days, motherhood is hard and we have to remind ourselves how strong we are and that we can do hard things, or get through the hard days!

Something special awaits.

Something special awaits you each day. All you need to do is recognize it and make the most of your day. Have a positive attitude throughout the day and think “today is going to be the best day of my life”.

Powerful Motherhood Quotes and Sayings

“No influence is so powerful as that of the mother.” – Sarah Josepha Hale

As a mom, you are the most powerful being on earth. Men, women, and children are all influenced by their moms. You are the shaper of our futures. You are the designer of the world. And you are the best mom of all. Keep this in mind when the going gets tough. When the kids are screaming, the sink is leaking, and you are teetering on edge, remember this quote.

“If you have discipline, drive, and determination, nothing is impossible.” – Dana Linn Bailey

This positive affirmation piggybacks off of the last one. With drive and determination paired with discipline, anything can be achieved. Your goals are within reach if only you try hard enough today! You will achieve them no matter what anyone says to discourage or sidetrack you from achieving them in any way shape or form.

Behind every great child is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it all up.

We all have thought that we are screwing it up at some point. You are not alone and if you’re worried about this, you’re probably not one of the moms who is really screwing it up. We do the best we can and we teach our children everything we are able to. It is amazing what they go on to do and become. You are doing a great job, no matter how it feels at the moment. You are a great mom. 

Powerful encouragement for stressed out moms

Related Post: 8 easy changes to become a happy, healthy mom

You can be a mess and a good mom; you are allowed to be both.

No matter what the mess is, we all have them. This does not make you a bad mom. We all have messes, finances, relationships, housekeeping, etc. These things just show us where our strengths and weaknesses are. No one is perfect! These can be overcome and take time. You are a great mom and you are working on yourself as well as raising a child/ children. You are unique and that little mess will soon be a thing of the past!

Your children don’t want a perfect mom, they want a happy mom. 

Being happy and joyful is what your children will remember about their childhood. The happier you are, the happier your children will be. Try this out for a day or two and you will see the difference. Smile and show them you are happy and you will see your children’s eyes light up and smile on their faces.

This can also apply to each day. They don’t need a perfect day, they want a happy day. Sometimes we try so hard to put all the effort into making a day magical when all they need is joy. Our kids can see past the struggles and chaos of each day. What they remember most is the fun!

“To a child’s ear ‘mother’ is magic in any language.” – Arlene Benedict

Mom is one of the sweetest words you have ever heard and to your child mother, mom, mama, is magic. The magic that fixes everything. She is the magic that makes the boogeyman go away. The magic that makes owies and boo-boos all better. A mother’s love is pure magic heard in her name.

Re-read that paragraph again next time you’re feeling down about your mothering!

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” – Henry Ford 

You’ve always been able to do so much. You can’t and won’t ever let anything slow you down! I know that at this moment, it may not feel like everything is going your way but don’t give up because as the saying goes “what doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.” 

All of these struggles are making you a better person with more tools in your toolbox for when things get hard again. And most importantly…your children will love YOU forever- no matter what happens today or tomorrow – they’ll never forget how amazing their mom was today and every day after.

I will be the type of person I would like my children to become.

Today I will be the type of person I would like my children to become.

Every day we have little ones that are looking up to us. Our children will model us and do what we do. They don’t always listen and do what we tell them but they are the masters at copying our actions. Today, strive to be the person you want them to become. 

I accept my children just as they are. 

Whew! That’s a big one. Sometimes our children try our patience. When this is occurring, say to yourself “I accept you as you are and for who you are. You are an amazing human being and you will be successful in whatever it is you are trying to achieve”. These words have helped me so many times, especially in hard or overwhelming moments, and I am sure they will help you, too.

I love my kids even when I don’t really like them.

Unpopular opinion: most moms have moments where they just plain do not like their children. Listen. Whether you admit it or not, you know sometimes you just don’t like the things they do. We have all been there and we will still love our children no matter what. 

As moms, we are often hard on ourselves and want to give up when things get tough. It can be challenging to find time for yourself and still take care of the needs of your children. Sometimes it feels like you are a short-order cook, with everyone in the family demanding their own special meal! One day at a time, just keep doing what you’re doing. You are doing a great job mom!

Wrapping up Powerful Encouragement for Moms

As a mom, you have to be your own cheerleader in order to stay strong. You’re the one who has to give yourself a pep talk before you go into battle every day. It’s hard work being a mom and it can feel like no matter what you do, there is never enough time or money. But don’t let these worries get the better of you!

Amazon Finds for Under $15 to help encourage mothers:

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