Amy's Balancing Act
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Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Hi my name is Amy and I need to get better at this blogging thing. Apparently my new schedule has threw my blogging rhythm into a funk and I’m trying to dig myself out of it. I’ve come to realize that I’m so behind on lots of posts and pictures that I need to share. I mean this is my own little corner of the universe and where I share my stories and memories, so let’s go ahead and rewind a bit. Back to oh say…Christmas…before Christmas actually, December 18th to be exact, followed by the 25th 🙂

Charlotte Christmas

Before Charlotte left, we had to have a Christmas with Charlotte. Char and I deemed it a mandatory pajama party, so jams were worn by all. I promised my mom and dad I wouldn’t share pictures of them, but I still managed to get a few good shots of the girls…which I know is what everyone wants to see anyway!


Matching seester jams!
She ended up with quite a few excellent gifts including the most awesome one, a tank top that says, “Yeah, no. Don’t put me down for cardio.” Name that movie and get 10 bonus points!


And here’s a lovely one of my handsome husband. I clearly was not the photographer.
It was a wonderful night at our house with my family, hot chili, pajamas and presents! And it was the last one we were all able to spend together with Charlotte. We miss you Char Char! The house just isn’t the same without you.

Timmer Christmas

Christmas Eve and Christmas morning were spent at my parents house! On the Eve, the boys were obsessed with a beer puzzle that my dad received as a gift. I’m not exaggerating when I say obsessed. They wouldn’t quit until Emily and I made them for our annual hot tub and Bailey’s time!


Christmas morning started bright and early as alway so we could open presents before church!



Followed by our annual attempt to quickly take family pictures in front of the fire place. I say attempt because its like pulling teeth to keep the boys in the church clothes and smile at the same time. It’s worth it though because they clean up nice and look good standing next to their beautiful sisters!




Gougler Christmas

After church and breakfast, JP and I hopped in the car to go to College Station for a Gougler Christmas. We started with a late lunch at the Hilton followed by presents, mimosas, pajamas and Despicable Me 2 with the best parents and sister in love I could ever ask for!




The day after Christmas included more mimosas, delicious breakfast and pedicures. Such a luck girl I am 🙂


The Goods

I am too blessed by such wonderful family and friends. Family and friends who know me too well! Not pictured: my BOSU ball and mini crockpot! (I’m dying to wear that new Aggie dress for game day next year!}


Oh and clearly my family knows that I like workout clothes. One isn’t pictured because I was wearing it at the time. Yeah that’s a pair of crops, 4 tanks and 2 long sleeve shirts…score! Oh and can you tell I like pink and purple?



Christmas 2013 was an amazing way to end the year. Christmas truly is my favorite time of year. It brings out the best in everyone and it brings family together. My love language is gift giving, so I love choosing and giving gifts to all of my loved ones: family, friends, puppies. It means a lot to me to see their faces and appreciation.

And just like that Christmas has come and gone and we’re nine days into January! Speaking of which…HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENNY BOY! I can’t believe my little brother is 22…welcome to the old people club, you’re no longer 21 🙂 Love you Benny!

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