Amy's Balancing Act
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My Insta-Weekend

My Insta-Weekend

Oh hey y’all, it’s Monday again. How does that happen every time? I mean, the weekend finally gets here. Everyone is so excited. I have lots of fun plans. Then next thing you know, I blink and wake up to Monday morning once again. Oh well, another Monday means another weekend of fun to look forward to right?

Enough chit chat, let’s just reminisce in how fun the weekend was shall we? Here are the highlights…

Friday: New shoes, drinks at Red Robin, Jurassic Park in 3D
Saturday: Quick run, lots of cleaning, crawfish boil with great friends
Sunday: Lazy morning, slow moving, shopping, napping and dinner with Michael & Chandra

I took quite a few pictures, but not an absurd amount. All via le iPhone of course!
1. Skinny strawberry drink from Red Robin that was SO delicious. Great start to the weekend.
2. Ashley, Alison and I prepped and ready for Jurassic Park shenanigans
3. My new kicks post 4 mile run on Saturday morning!
4. Puppy party at the Crowson house – Penny, Maggie, Lucy and Darcy
5. White wine sangria deliciousness. Far too many of these were consumed. I’m okay with that.
6. Philip getting pinched by a crawfish. haha
7. Lots of Gougler shoes! Yes, 4 of those are mine and 2 are the hubs…I still need more!
8. Lots of playtime with my pretty baby!
9. Which Wich on Sunday afternoon. Lots of veggies no cheese or dressing for this girl!

Clearly the pictures I chose to take were quite random. I’m okay with that. Now that I’m done reliving the past few days, it’s time to take on Monday. I’ve got my coffee in hand and planner before me, so I think I’m set and ready to go. Let’s do it.

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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