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Patriotic Pizza

Patriotic Pizza

Good morning and happy day after the 4th of July! I hope everyone enjoyed their random Wednesday off 🙂 I’m technically working today, but at least I get to work from home and then I’m taking tomorrow off. Three day week…can’t complain.

Now I know that the 4th of July has come and gone, but trust me, you’ll want to try this recipe. You don’t have to decorate your pizza like the American flag, so you can really make it for any occasion!

Now I love regular pizza don’t get me wrong, it’s an excellent splurge. However, there really isn’t anything better than cookie pizza. I mean it’s a cookie and you get to top it with fruit instead of veggies! How awesome is that? I’m a big fan. I made this cookie pizza last year for the first time during the 4th of July for the hubs and I while we were in Pittsburgh. This year I changed it up a bit and added a super yummy glaze to top it off!

This recipe is super easy and like I said before you don’t have to make it like the American flag. Feel free to spice it up and add different fruits for any occasion. Aside from strawberries and blueberries, I think bananas, kiwifruit and raspberries would be great additions!

1 roll of Pillsbury sugar cookie dough
4 oz softened cream cheese (I used 1/3 less fat and it tastes great)
1 tub whip cream (I used fat free and it’s still yummy!)
Any other fruit of your liking

1/3 cup orange juice (apple juice would work as well!)
1/3 cup sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp corn starch

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Allow cookie dough to come to room temperature and spread out thinly on large cookie sheet.
Bake for 10 minutes, rotate pan 90 degrees and bake for 5 additional minutes. Don’t over bake or it’ll be super hard and crumbly.
Allow cookie to cool (I put mine in the fridge to speed up the process)
While cooling, mix together cream cheese and whip cream with a hand mixer until well combined.
Glaze: In a small sauce pan, mix together all 4 ingredients and bring to a boil while whisking to keep mixture combined. Turn off burner once it comes to a boil and let cool for about 5-10 minutes.
Spread cool whip/cream cheese mixture on cookie once cooled. Add sliced fruit to pizza in which ever pattern you desire.
Brush glaze on to pizza using a basting brush. Be sure to cover the whole pizza!
Allow cookie to cool in fridge for about an hour before serving. Trust me, it tastes the best this way!

{Glaze will have an orange-ish tint if you use orange juice -crazy, I know- try using apple juice for a lighter colored glaze}



The cookie pizza is delicious either way – with or without the glaze. How could it not, it’s a cookie pizza?  I personally think the glaze adds and extra little zing though!

I brought this over to my girl friend Julie’s in-laws house and it was a huge success. Here are a couple shots from our 4th of July!

Swimming at the Ponder’s with 2 of the best friends a girl could ask for! Julie – Andrea – Me!

Julie’s cupcakes – my cake batter cookies – 4th of July champagne – you can  see my cookie pizza already sliced into in the background!

After hanging out, talking, swimming, margarita drinking, watching Independence Day and eating lots of goodies at the Ponder’s,  we headed back to our casa to watch the Houston fireworks! The hubs had to get up at 4:30 this morning for work, so we called it an early night! What did you do for the 4th of July? Did anyone else have to work today? Even though I’m working, it’s a pretty easy day and it’s nice to have my Andrea working right beside me!

P.S. Cookie pizza tastes great the next day too! I highly recommend it for breakfast or breakfast dessert. Also known as a morning snack. It’s a good decision. Do it.

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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