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Pinterest, Love and Running

It’s Wednesday, it’s National Running Day, it’s half way through the week and it’s supposed to rain in Houston. {We could use the rain.} Let’s hope that today is a good day! Lot’s to love as usual…

I’m loving that summertime is finally among us. Now if only we could turn the outdoor thermostat down just a bit…or maybe the humidity…then things would be perfect. Hoping this rain comes through and takes some humidity away once the storm completely passes.

I’m loving that today is National Running Day! I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to run though…you see I got pretty dehydrated after a run yesterday morning. Bad enough that I got incredibly dizzy, my breathing was off and my hubby had to pick me up from work. {Sorry I haven’t told you yet mom!} I’m thinking about taking the day off. Probably a good idea!

I’m loving that my pace has seemed to increase just a little bit now that I’m adding in more speed and interval workouts! Little goes a long way!

I’m loving this new dress from Target that I’m currently wearing! I’ve had at least 3 comments on how pretty and summery I look 🙂

I’m loving that my Andrea finally announced to the world that she is pregnant! Now I can blog about her stinkin’ cute baby bump, how excited I am to finally become an aunt {my parents pretty much adopted her into the fam years ago}, and all the details of her baby shower that is going to be in Houston next month at Momma and Daddy Timmer’s house! Oh and it’s a boy and his name is Charlie and I love him already and we may have nicknamed him Carlos…

I’m loving that today we had a health screening at work and I am SUPER healthy! My HDL {good cholesterol} is at 80 which is awesome because 60 or higher is ideal. The screening lady told me that I deserved a gold star and that I should post my results at my desk. I won’t be posting them on my desk, but the blog…why not?

I’m loving that I’m finally getting the hang of this gluten free thing. I think my body is starting to get used to it and accept the new diet.

I’m loving that today is a slow day at work and my boss and I plan to take full advantage of it.

In honor of National Running Day…
I’m loving these running tops:

Lululemon Run: Tie and Fly Tank


Nike Packers Top
Under Armour Cold Black Run Tank

I’m loving these running shoes:

Why yes, they are mine. I love them and wouldn’t trade them. No way. No how. Plus they’re pretty!

I’m loving my amazing husband who ran a half marathon for me because I asked him to do it for my birthday. He knows how important running is to me and took an interest in it simply because he knew how happy it would make me. Now he’s far from addicted, but he registered today for the Houston half marathon lottery. this way he’ll be training while I train for the full. Is that an amazing husband or what?

Happy National Running day! Trying to get into running or need some inspiration? Feel free to talk to me! I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but I’ve tackled 8 half marathons and I’m working towards my first full. I’d love to hear from you. Take a look at my Races tab to see some race recaps and inspirational running posts!

I’m linking up here and here!

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

Sharing is caring!

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