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Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs

Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs

Easter is around the corner which means you’re about to come into what feels like more hard boiled eggs than you know what to do with. Am I right? While eating hard boiled eggs for breakfast and snack the next week is always an option, let me let you in on another delicious way to enjoy your eggs: Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs!

Note: I’ve edited this post from the original I posted from Easter 2013. Scroll the the end to see my husband and I much more well rested before kids with only fur babies to care for! Also I have short hair. It’s a fun flashback!

Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs

Try this fun spin on an Easter tradition: Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs! You don't have to eat hard boiled eggs all week with this fun recipe! It brings Easter egg decorating to a whole new level. 
#easterrecipe #eastereggs #eastereggrecipe #easterideas

You know what the best part about this post is? I actually don’t love hard boiled eggs. I don’t eat deviled eggs. In fact, I’ve never liked them, but my whole family does. Somehow over the years, I became the official egg devil-er of the Timmer household. Apparently I’m good at it. So here’s how to make your deviled eggs even prettier than before!


  • Hard boiled eggs
  • Leftover Easter egg dye or water, a few tablespoons of vinegar and food coloring
  • Mayo
  • Relish {I use dill and sweet relish}
  • Salt 
  • Pepper
  • Seasoning salt


Go on an Easter egg hunt and gather up all the beautiful eggs you dyed on Easter Eve.    

What you didn’t dye eggs or go on an Easter egg hunt because you’re an adult? Lame. You should rethink that next year. All the cool kids are doing it.

But if you seriously don’t have any eggs, then boil your eggs and create your dye.

You can do this by taking a mug, filling it 3/4 with water, add about 3 tablespoons of vinegar and a few drops of food coloring. The more food coloring, the brighter the eggs. But let’s not over do it.

Peel your eggs, cut them in half long way, remove the yolk and set in separate bowl.  

Now it’s time for the fun part! Take your egg halves and put them into your different colored dyes. Let them sit for at least a minute. The longer you let them soak the brighter they turn out.   

Related Post: Dump and Bake Meatball Casserole

While the egg white are being dyed, you can make the insides. First mash up all of your yolk. Add some mayo. Sorry, I don’t have amounts. Just add enough to make the yolks wet.

Then add some relish, about 1-2 tablespoons and some of the pickle juice. This will make the mixture more wet without additional mayo. Add salt and pepper to taste.

At this point, a taste tester is required for me. You couldn’t pay me to eat that stuff, but apparently most people love it! Usually they say it’s awesome. If it’s a little dry, add some mayo!  

Remove your egg whites from the dye. Rinse under cold water. Put yolk mixture in the middle! You can spoon the mixture in or you can put it into a plastic baggie, cut off the corner and squeeze it on in!   

Then you end up with some pretty awesome eggs that look like this.

Don’t forget the family photos!

While you’re at it, go ahead and drive your brother nuts by taking way too many Easter pictures. Here are some of ours, enjoy!    

Family photos are always a must for any holiday with my family!

So what do y’all think about the dyed deviled Easter eggs? A fun spin on an Easter tradition if you ask me! I hope y’all are able to give it a try this year. Even if your kids don’t love deviled eggs, they’ll love getting to dye them and see all the pretty colors!

Happy Easter season y’all! Take a look at these other Easter ideas for the whole family to enjoy before you go!

Try this fun spin on an Easter tradition: Dyed Deviled Easter Eggs! You don't have to eat hard boiled eggs all week with this fun recipe! It brings Easter egg decorating to a whole new level. 
#easterrecipe #eastereggs #eastereggrecipe #easterideas

What is a fun Easter themed recipe that your family enjoys?

I’d love for you to share a link to it in the comments for me to check out!

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(18) Comments

  1. This looks super fun! Also thanks for the reminder about family pics lol I always manage to forget. I take plenty cute ones of just the kids, but always forget about my husband and I!

    1. Yes! We are super obsessed with taking family photos at all holidays or any chance we get the whole gang together. It’s always a process but so worth it to look back on!

  2. This looks like a fun recipe to make with the kids! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It was a blast. My daughter can’t wait to do it this year. Thanks for reading!

  3. Oh my goodness! These look too pretty to eat. I love how colourful you can get with this method.

    1. Right? I thought it was so fun how bright they were. Perfect for Easter!

  4. And here I thought deviled eggs could not be improved upon. So cute!

    1. Right? Who knew you could make them look so pretty!

  5. What a fun way to celebrate Easter with family and friends. Yes, taking as many photos as you can is a must, makes for the beautiful memories down the road for everyone.

  6. So cute! I love looking for fun & easy ways to jazz up the holidays!

    1. Me too! It seems to make everything even more special!

      1. Love this. Will try it this Easter Sunday for the whole family. Thank you for sharing!

        1. I hope y’all enjoy them!

  7. I’ve never attempted the colored deviled eggs before! This looks like something fun I could do with my older daughter. She’s really been interested in learning to do more in the kitchen and I know she would love the colored eggs!

  8. This is so fun and festive; thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

  9. These are GORGEOUS and look delicious! Plus, I think my kids would absolutely LOVE them. I’m definetly going to give these a try this Easter.

    1. I hope you do! We had so much fun doing them in the past and can’t wait to do it with the kids again this year.

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