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Random Friday Five

Random Friday Five

My brain is everywhere this morning. Here’s what’s on my mind…

1. Houston, TX Weather
It’s May. Yesterday, I was sweating during the pup and I’s am walk around the block. I had to put on a sweatshirt to take her out after work! This morning I woke up and it was 46 degrees. IN MAY. IN HOUSTON! I’m not sure what is going on. So much for global warming! On the plus side, this cool air is bringing in some nice temps.

2. A Tummy Update
I’ve gotten back some results for the tests done on my stomach. I’m just waiting on some other results and for everything to sink in before I give y’all the news. The good news is that they are finding things and nothing is terrible or life threatening. The bad news is that I will have to change my diet…boo that.

3. Because you know you need a good laugh on a Friday
My sister sent me this link today…I about died laughing. It’s about weddings and here’s a sneak peak. Just do it.

4. It’s Vacation Month!!!
It’s finally May which means it’s almost time for the hubs and I to cruise around the Mediterranean! Not sure what I’m talking about? Take a look here to see where the hubs and I are sailing! I’m excited to explore Europe, spend quality time with my husband, soak up some sun, sip some cocktails on the ship, go shopping and so much more! I can’t believe it’s almost here!!!

5. I love my dog.
It’s Friday and my morning is insane {hence the late post} so here are some pictures of my little girl that are sure to entertain you.

That’s all I’ve got! Happy Friday y’all!

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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