Amy's Balancing Act
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917 Donuts

917 Donuts

917 Donuts. That’s a lot of calories. Over the past 2 1/4 years {or something like that}, I’ve been tracking my runs on About this time each year, they send me a yearly and lifetime statistics report. It’s pretty awesome. Since I join Daily Mile in September 2010, I have burned 917 donuts. I don’t even like donuts. But either way, like I said before, that’s a lot of calories. A lot a lot. I love that running has given me a reason to workout, a love of fitness and a deep passion for something so good for me.

I mean, check out those stats. That’s pretty awesome. I mean, I’ve powered 4,229 TVs. In just over two years, I’ve burned 48 elll bees {lbs…pounds…duh}. Good thing I have a love for cookies, ice cream and cupcakes otherwise I’d be a twig. {I’m just going to keep telling myself that. Don’t burst my bubble.} But seriously, because I run, workout and stay active, I can cave into my cravings every now and then!

Over the past year, I ran 721 miles. I probably forgot to enter my mileage a time or two, but overall I’ve been pretty accurate. 721 miles. In one year. I think I’ll give myself a pat on the back.

Now let’s take a look at this. Clearly in January – March I was training for half marathons. By April, I had no distance races until the fall so my mileage decreased. At the beginning of June, I went on a normal morning run and what happened afterwards was not so normal. I became severely overheated and suffered from border line heat exhaustion. I couldn’t stop sweating and was getting chills, but I went into work anyways. Around 9:00am, I had trouble breathing and nearly passed out. The hubs had to come get me from work. It wasn’t pretty. I went to the doctor and he said no running outside for at least 2 months. Enter gym membership and less running for this girl. In August, my mileage picked back up because I started marathon training! November was a big month for me because every weekend, I ran over 13 miles each Saturday except for the weekend I ran the SA Rock ‘n Roll half. In August through December, I ran 430 miles with the sole purpose of training for the Houston Marathon. It’s seriously a lifestyle change y’all!

So here it is…everything I’ve worked up to! Is anyone going to be out watching the race this weekend? If so, let me know where you plan on standing so I can look for you! Every bit of cheering and encouragement is amazing along the course. It’s part of what makes the Houston Marathon so appealing to runners!

Are you on Daily Mile? Add me! Not a runner? You can track all types of workouts on Daily Mile, not just running. It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable. No better time to start then the beginning of a new year!

T minus 5 days until the Marathon!!! I hope you’re not sick of my running posts yet…

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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