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My Best Friend’s Wedding {Ceremony & Reception}

My Best Friend’s Wedding {Ceremony & Reception}

For those of you just stopping by, be sure to check out Part 1 of My Best Friend’s Wedding to see pictures from the Rehearsal and Wedding Prep!

Today I’m going to share with y’all my pictures and recap from the Ceremony and Reception! No need for chit chat, let’s get straight to it!


Again, the church is so beautiful (it was actually remodeled just a few years ago!) and the perfect place for a wonderful couple to become one. Don’t you just love her arrangements? They are the white flowers on the side with the pussy willow!

Ms. Kathy {Nicole’s mom} being seated by Cody {Nicole’s cousin}

I love this picture of Nicole and Cliff’s moms {Kathy and Monica} lighting the unity side candles. Such a beautiful moment. Props to the hubs for capturing this one!

Junior bridesmaids. The flower girls were wearing similar dresses which are so cute and age appropriate!
Walking down the aisle with Cliff’s brother! {Kind of an awkward angle}

Here comes the bride!
It’s such a shame that this picture is dark and blurry. But…I really do think it looks kind of neat!

Walking down the aisle with her dad {Scott – left} and step-dad {Jan – right}.
I love that she was able to have two incredible men in her life to share this moment with her 🙂

Again, kind of blurry, but still capturing all the right moments. This is when Nicole and Cliff were exchanging their rings with the MOH’s and Best Man by their side.

They did it! Officially Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Valdez!

Clearly I am getting my sassy picture taking face ready!

Wedding party! Oh and it was quite the party.

This girl is clearly having a good time!

Love this picture. I can’t wait to see the one from the photographer!
All in all, the ceremony was beautiful. The Priest was a family friend of the Valdez’s and the Deacon that did the sermon was actually Cliff’s uncle! It add the perfect amount of personalization and love to the Catholic Mass.


Everyone knows that one of the best things about a wedding is the cake. These cakes were phenomenal! The brides cake {left} was a towering silver cake with intricate piping and draping and the groom’s cake {right} was decorated featuring Cliff’s favorite sports team!

Name cards for seating! I helped put these together 🙂 

Really dark, but this is when the Best Man and I were introduced. We all had mini intros like we were players on the Rockets – I’m a 5’6″ starting guard. Then it went into a little blip about ourselves!

Being introduced for the first time as husband and wife!

 Right: Katrina and I – figured we should get another picture with our beautiful bouquets!
Left: How could I not get a picture with my sweet hubby?
Below are pictures that the hubs took while the photographers were taking group shots!

Me and Ms. Kathy 🙂

Speech time! Jan started off strong and was a tough act to follow.

Can you tell I like the microphone? I had my speech in bullet points, but clearly didn’t use it. I used it at one point to read the name of a person I was quoting…that’s about it. What was the quote you ask?
“Love one another and you will be happy. It’s as simple and difficult as that.” – Michael Leunig
I find that quote so very, very true. It seemed to be the best and most simplistic words of advice I could offer the newlyweds! Well that and about 5 minutes of me rambling. Did I mention that I love the microphone?
Cake cutting! They were sweet and barely got it on one another!

All of the dancing pics were taken on my iPhone. My camera died after the speeches! Sad day, but I’m sure the photographers were able to capture some perfect moments that I am beyond thrilled to see!

After the formal dances, I pretty much danced the night away. The reception was such a fun party and it was great to see how many people came out to celebrate and show their love for Nicole and Cliff!

I hope y’all enjoyed part two of Nicole and Cliff’s wedding recap! Don’t forget to take a peak at part 1 if you haven’t already!Now it’s time for me to get back to work 🙂 
See y’all tomorrow!

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

Sharing is caring!

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