Amy's Balancing Act
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Sunday Funday…more please

Sunday Funday…more please

I’m just saying, one of my favorite days of the week is Sunday. It can be a day of rest and relaxation or a day to cram everything else you wanted to do during the weekend into about 10 hours of daylight. I chose the latter this weekend!


1. Brunch – 2 words: Bottomless Mimosas – brunch restaurants sure do know how to make a girl happy!

Sunday brunch may be my favorite meal of the week. I don’t have “brunch” every week, but when we do go out for it {or even when I cook it!}, it’s always my fave! I had the huevos rancheros made with egg whites. It was delish! I maybe ate half of that mass of food!!!

2. Zoo – I love the zoo. Maybe a little too much for a woman in her mid-20’s, but I don’t care. I have a zoo membership. This means that the hubs and I can go to the zoo whenever and it’s already paid for! The membership actually pays off in only two visits. I think it’s a fabulous deal considering it’s only 5 minutes away from us.

I love the monkeys! They weren’t out when we came back in February, so I was excited to see them up and moving around this weekend. I liked these guys that were picking at each other 🙂

Elephants and giraffes may be my absolute favorite. 

This guy either wanted to eat me or be my best friend. I’m hoping its the BFF choice!

This is the most awesome shirt that I saw at the zoo. Why I did not purchase it is completely beyond me. If it’s still there next time I go, you better believe that I will own it. Who cares that it’s a youth shirt. Lucky for me I can still fit in a youth large 🙂

3. Shopping – after the zoo we went straight to the Houston Galleria to do one of my favorite things…spend money!!! I mean let’s be honest, what girl doesn’t enjoy spending money? Luckily, I spent my money on some pretty good buys! First and foremost, I needed to buy my shoes for Nicole’s wedding which happens to be this coming Saturday! Don’t worry, I had backups, but I wanted something a little bit more comfortable. You’ll get a peak at those babies come next week!

Next I ended up finding some super cute and inexpensive steals from a store called Cotton On. This is an Australian based store with cute Aussie/Euro looks for great prices {similar to Forever 21}. I ended up walking away with a sheer collared sleeveless tops {can be used for work or play!}, a black high-low dress, pink denim shorts and a belt all for $80…including tax! Not too shabby if you ask me!

I also managed to be a good sister and I picked a little something up for my brother, Ben. In the not so great sister sense, I kind of owe him a birthday present that is now nearly a half birthday present. Ooops! The boy is so hard to shop for. Hopefully he’ll love what I got him though!

4. Dinner Just look at those colors!

There’s a local place called Barnaby’s just down the street from us. We went there so. many. times. right after we moved into the area. It was close and there was a great variety, but it got old. It had been months since we stopped by Barnaby’s, so it was quite the treat. We started with a bottle of Chardonnay and sweet potato fries and as you can see, I had the salmon. I’m currently drooling thinking about the yummy leftovers I’ll be eating for dinner tonight! As you can see above, this is clearly two meals!

Wonderful end to a great weekend. How do you like to spend your Sundays? Cramming in everything you wish you had more time for or just relaxing? It honestly just depends on the weekend and time of year for me, but I am so glad we ran around town this Sunday! So. Much. Fun!

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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