Amy's Balancing Act
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New Home Tour

New Home Tour

What it’s Thursday already? I didn’t even have Monday off, but I feel like this week is flying by! YES! I’m not going to lie, I definitely woke up this morning and thought it was Monday. I was clearly happy enthralled when I realized that in fact it was Thursday which makes tomorrow Friday. Hooray for early morning delusions!

Today I am going to share with you a few before pictures of our new home!!! I’m super excited that we now have our belongings, but let me tell you, our house is a MESS! Stuff is everywhere! It’s safe to say the study is the worst and if I’m feeling brave enough, I may just share a picture of it for you. Moving isn’t exactly fun or stress free, but I’m excited to be in a new place to call ours and home! I’m also excited that we’ll be living here for longer than a year! I haven’t done that since 2005 🙂

New Home Tour

Now without further ado, a brief tour of my home…BS: Before Stuff

First Floor


Laundry “room” is behind those white doors! Luckily there is quite a bit of cabinet storage space above the washer and dryer!


Includes a standing glass shower across from the potty 🙂


Downstairs guest room which will be turned into a study! We’re also getting a new door that will include a doggy door at the bottom for Miss Maggie. She’s going to be so excited!


We have a cute little space that actually wraps around all 3 sides of the house! Lots of runway space for our little girl.

Second Floor


Can’t wait to get a new table for this space!


Please excuse my mess 🙂 Pantry door is going to be painted red!


Love my pantry and all the space so I decided to share this with y’all as well!

Third Floor

Loving my space!

Apparently I’m a big dummy and I didn’t actually take pictures of the upstairs except for this one in my bedroom. I’m going to go ahead and assume I got distracted by something. It probably wasn’t even that big of a deal, but some days I have the attention span of a chicken nugget. OOOPS!  The third floor includes the master suite, reading nook area, guest bedroom and full guest bathroom! I guess I’ll just have to show y’all the finished product as opposed a before and after…silly me.

That’s all I have for y’all today! After work, I’ll be running off some steam followed by a glass of wine and spending more time sorting through my mess and trying to get things into place! The pup comes home on Saturday and I need to make sure most things are out of her reach. I’m so excited to have her visit her new house and to have her home with me. I’m ready for some sort of normality to sink in. Slowly but surely it will come!

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

Sharing is caring!

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