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What I’m Loving Wednesday: I’m STILL Sick Edition

What I’m Loving Wednesday: I’m STILL Sick Edition

That’s right, I’m STILL sick. It started Sunday afternoon, so we’re going on day 4 and I am not happy about it. I guess it’s a good thing that I work from home, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it through a whole day today. Yesterday, I started out feeling okay, and I completely crashed in the afternoon. i crashed hard. I ended up being a whiny baby and started crying when JP got home. {Does anyone else feel like there is no reason to cry until hubby, mom, dad, etc. shows up?} I hope I’m not the only one. Despite this craptastic illness consuming my life, I am linking up with This Kind of Love for What I’m Loving Wednesday and The Vintage Apple for Pinteresting Wednesdays. I NEED to focus on what I love today to get rid of my negative, sickness thoughts!

I’m loving the sweet love and support from my hubby and puppy while I’ve been sick. Well, Maggie still jumps on me, but she apologies when she realizes how bad it hurts and brings me her rope to reconcile.

Excuse the iPhone pic, but here’s Maggie laying in bed with me 🙂

I’m loving that since I’m sick I’ve been able to watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Harry Potter 7 Part 1 and Hocus Pocus. Now…what to watch today?

I’m loving searching for houses online and can’t believe we’re going house hunting in Houston THIS MONTH!

I’m loving that November is here which means Thanksgiving is so soon and Christmas is right around the corner! I love the holiday season and can’t wait to spend it with both of my amazing families. We’re actually bringing both mine and JP’s families together for Thanksgiving in College Station!

I’m loving my wonderful husband!

Last October in Fredericksburg!

I’m loving my Pinterest finds of the week!

Healthy Cookies! Recipe

I’ve had a weird obsession with S’mores lately. I clearly need to make one. Here’s a S’more cupcake instead! Recipe

Love the navy esp. the shoes and scarf!

I’ll probably make this over the weekend 🙂

So pretty

Beautiful and simple

What are you loving this Wednesday? I hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday and that you are not sick like me 🙁
Until next time…
With love and God bless,

Sharing is caring!

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