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A Wonderful Wedding

A Wonderful Wedding

Okay so I know I haven’t posted in a while, but it’s safe to say that last week completely kicked my butt! I was working like a mad woman and even had two 12 hour days last week. Needless to say, I am even further behind on catching everyone up, so I’m taking a few moments this morning to recap the amazing Stern-Crowson wedding.

Now let’s back this up about 5 years ago. I met Alison probably around October of 2006 through JP and we became insta-friends. We’re both loud and slightly obnoxious, we love to have fun, watch Lifetime movies and being together is just easy for us. Alison is actually the person that pretty much told me I need to get out of the friend zone with JP and tell him like it is. Obviously, I ended up convincing JP to date me and the rest is history. Alison won’t take the credit for us getting together since we both liked each other and cared for each other already, but in all reality, she is the reason that I was able to put my foot down and for that I am forever grateful. Now, JP and Philip were roommates their sophomore, junior, senior and their last half a semester at A&M. They met their freshman year and were in Aggie Fish Club (a freshman leadership organization) and later on Ol’ Ags (a men’s leadership organization which is kind of like a Frat but they would never admit it and I’ll probably get in trouble for saying this) together. JP introduced Philip and Alison and they started dating shortly after JP and I did actually. Needless to say, JP and I care about these two very much and we were beyond honored to be a bridesmaid and groomsman in their wedding.

Onto the wedding weekend. I’m going to give it to you in pictures and bullets because it will be easier that way!

  • After flying into Houston Thursday night, JP and I hoped in my dad’s truck and drove up to Dallas around 11am on Friday. Not a fun drive after a long plane ride the night before!
  • On the car ride, I found out (from the CFO) that I got a raise! Great start to a wonderful vacation!
  • We stopped at Bucee’s along the way…I love Bucee’s
  • <3
    This is one of my presents to myself for getting a raise! People in Pittsburgh give me funny looks when I wear Bucee’s shirts. They don’t even know what they’re missing!
  • We arrived in Dallas and had some errands to run and finally made it to the Renaissance Hotel just in time to change and head to the church for rehearsal!
  • The rehearsal was perfect and it was amazing to see so many of my good friends again! I missed you guys so freaking much!
  • Rehearsal Dinner = Awesomeness. Seriously, great restaurant, great food, great atmosphere, great friends, great conversation.
  • The boys with the Groom
    Girls with the Groom!
    The Gouglers (that never gets old)
    The Bride and Groom aka The Crowsons!
    My super yummy delicious chicken from Papa Brothers Steakhouse!
    Me with the Bride! Love you Sternie!
    Alison and all of her ladies!
    The Timmer-Travis-Stern pic
  • The next day we had a lot to do. It was finally wedding day!!! Naturally, Alison and I were the first one’s up, so we went to the lobby to grab some coffee and breakfast. After everyone was up, we had a limo pick up all the girls and take us to another hotel where we had a suit for the day to get ready in!
  • Good morning Mrs. Crowson!
    In front of limo #1 at hotel #2!
    Our view from the huge window in our suite!
  • The hair and make up ladies came to us which made getting ready a breeze.
  • Lots of makeup
    Getting my makeup done!
    Stern getting her WEDDING DAY makeup done 🙂
  • Once we were all ready and after a few pictures, it was time to go to the church!
  • On our way to the church in limo #2!
    Beautiful bouquets!
    Getting into her wedding dress!
  • The ceremony itself was beautiful and nobody tripped on the steps in the church! I don’t have any pictures of the ceremony seeing as though both JP and I were in it 🙂
  • After a bunch of pictures, it was time to party!!!
  • On our way to the reception!
    Officially Mr. and Mrs. Philip Crowson!
    First dance
    Awesome groom’s cake
    The bride’s cupcake tower. This was amazing, such a great idea!
    We had such a great time!
    Cutting the “cake”!
    Cute Trav 🙂
    Me and Mrs. Ashley Waite! Ugh I miss you already!!!
    Love these boys
    <3 seriously, what a great night!
    Had to steal a moment with the bride 🙂
    Travis and HJ y’all are next!
    Clearly, we all had an amazing time and no Ol’ Ags wedding is complete without playing Fat Bottom Girls!
  • All in all, this wedding was spectacular. Alison, I hope that you think all the stress and planning paid off because I sure think it did. Y’all know how to throw a party. I think that everyone had an amazing time and more importantly, I couldn’t be happier for you and Philip. There’s nothing better than seeing two of my best friends marry each other. I love you both and miss you like crazy!

Okay, well I think that just about sums it up 🙂 Hope this wasn’t too look for y’all! Cruise post to come SOON! Seriously, it needs to be soon. I’m behind! Until next time…

With love and God bless,
Amy, JP and Maggie

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