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Chloe Photo Dump
Chloe Grace

Chloe Photo Dump

Monday! Hello friends and happy Monday. Or happy-ish Monday? We might as well make it kind of happy right? I have a few pictures that may make Monday just a little bit better!

Last week I was mom-ing it solo, and I kind of lost my mind a little bit. This was definitely the hardest week I’ve had Chloe alone. She’s becoming quite the two year old and she’s testing me quite a bit. The good news is that JP is back and I may just have some time to blog again!

Instead of being super wordy, I thought I’d just share some of the many pictures I have of Chloe over the past month. I have so many pictures on my phone and I just want to share them somewhere!

Here is Chloe crying at the doctor’s office because I won’t let her climb on the rolling chair. Bad momma as Chloe would say. Instead of comforting my crying girl, I decided to take a picture because she’s kind of cute when she cries!

I shared a similar one to the one above on Instagram, but I can’t help it, I have to share another! Chloe thinks that necklaces are supposed to be worn under your chin. Every time I try to put it around her neck she gets mad at me and takes it off. The best part about is that I get adorable pictures of her cheeks and double chin.

When Chloe wakes up on the wrong side of the bed and I know it’s going to be a day, I let her pick out her outfit and it’s always going to be Anna or Elsa. I will say that she totally rocks her dresses though.

Another way to make Chloe super happy when she’s acting two is to take her to see Emmy. When in doubt, my sister can always make Chlo happy. It’s probably because she does really weird things and makes up strange games and let’s Chloe do things that I wouldn’t let her.

Chloe and I had an okay week last week, but I’m looking forward to a good week this week. JP is back home, and this past weekend, we spent time with both of our families. Aggie baseball in College Station and swimming in Sugar Land.

There you have it. All the cute pictures of Chloe. Most of the time she’s being pretty nice in them. Here’s to hoping today is a happy-ish Monday and that Chloe is a good-ish girl this week! So far, so good!

Also, my final Disneyland post is FINALLY going up tomorrow! Stay tuned…

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