Amy's Balancing Act
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twenty eight.

twenty eight.

For as long as I can remember, 28 has been my most favorite number. Kind of strange, I know. There is always a method to my madness though. On September 28th twenty eight years ago, I was born! Birthdays have always been my favorite. Not just my birthday, but everyone’s birthday! I love to celebrate an individual and get them awesome presents. (Though they are often late lately! Thanks mommy brain.) Naturally, as a lover of birthdays, I love my birthday the most. Thus making 28 my favorite number. It also helps that it’s even since I really don’t like odd numbers. I was born in an odd month, during an odd year, but luckily on an even day. Twenty eight. It just has a nice ring to it. Today is my golden birthday. Today I am twenty eight.

I received the most amazing gift this year. My angel baby. She’s already making twenty eight even more magical. She was the first person I talked to and hung out with on my birthday during our 3:30am feeding. She really wanted to be the first person to wish me a happy birthday since I was born at 3:42am. Thanks Chloe! She was the first person I saw beside my bed when we finally got up. She was the first person to give me a birthday smile and a birthday hug! She’s a pretty considerate baby if you ask me!

It also started out wonderful because my main squeeze went to Whole Foods to get me my favorite iced coffee to start my morning off right! While he was at it, he picked up a pancake and biscuit for me since carbs are my favorite. He also took his 7:30am call from home so he could see us for just a little while before going to work. Yup, twenty eight is going to be great. I just know it. Especially with these two in my life!

I gave myself this last week off of work for my birthday. Chloe and I are going to do lots of fun things to make sure it’s the best birth week ever! It’s raining today, so we’ll have rainy day snuggles and tonight my girls are coming over for pizza and Pitch Perfect 2! Later this week, we’ll definitely go to the zoo for the first time, and a walk on the bayou is definitely in store.

This weekend we were able to celebrate a bit by heading up to Dallas for a quick trip! I got to see my brother(Ben), sister-in-law(Kate) and one of my best friends(Kristin)! We also got to see a bunch of our besties from college to celebrate Hanna Jo’s 30th birthday! Birthdays are awesome, but 30 is a milestone and I’m so happy that we were able to be there to celebrate with HJ and watch the Fighting Texas Aggies pull through with a victory in overtime against Arkansas. It was a stressful game for the guys. Chloe was not impressed. She looked awesome in her cute Aggie gear, but it was her awesome monster jams that helped the Ags pull off a win. Something about adorable monster footie pajamas on a little girl just makes football teams win. It’s the truth.

Now I’m off to do some awesome twenty eight year old type things. You know, like eating pancakes for breakfast, playing on the floor with a baby and some puppies and if I’m lucky, watching Disney movies, Harry Potter and Pitch Perfect all day long. Here’s to twenty eight and another year of just being awesome!

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