Amy's Balancing Act
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Too much fun for one post title

Too much fun for one post title

This weekend was one of those weekends that I just didn’t want to end. {Okay honestly, I don’t really want any weekends to end, but this one was just perfect!} We did so much, but it was relaxing enough that I didn’t feel crazy busy or overwhelmed. Pretty much this weekend was just too fun. I want to relive it.

On Friday I…

  • Left work just a tad bit early
  • Went on a Spec’s run for samples and booze with the hubs
  • Walked 2 1/2 miles with Miss Maggie, Chandra & her pup Frankie
  • Watched Maggie & Frankie play…a lot! (1)
  • Had BBQ ribs, corn on the cob and fruit salad for an amazing dinner with Chandra and Michael!
On Saturday I…
  • Went for a 4 mile run and felt great! (2)
  • Played at Top Golf with the Crowsons and Waites! (3)
  • Had brunch and unlimited mimosas at Cyclone Anaya’s at City Center (4) Seafood Civiche! 
  • Went shopping with the girls (5)
  • Enjoyed the sunny day at City Center
  • Took Maggie to the Buffalo Bayou Dog Park (6)
  • Watch James Bond Skyfall with the hubs
On Sunday I…
  • Woke up before 7am for no reason at all
  • Went for a 5 mile run and felt even better! {But I may have strained my IT band. Going to take it easy for a few days.} (7)
  • Did laundry…whomp whomp
  • Met up with the lovely Houston Blogger ladies at The Tasting Room in Uptown Park and forgot to take a single picture. {But take a look at the group shot that Meg took below!} I absolutely love these monthly meetups! There were quite a few new faces…or at least new to me! Already looking forward to May’s picnic!
  • Headed to Sugar Land to spend the evening with the fam! (8) My momma’s pretty backyard! 
  • Made homemade french fries out of potatoes (9), soaked up some sun with my seester, chatted and enjoyed our relaxing Sunday evening!

I hope y’all had a wonderful weekend! Now that I’ve relived the past few days, it’s time to take on another Monday in full force. Here’s to a wonderful week!

Did y’all do anything exciting this weekend?
Have you ever been to a blogger meetup in your area?

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

Sharing is caring!

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