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Diet-to-Go Review
Product Reviews

Diet-to-Go Review

Recently I was asked to test and review some diet meals from Diet-to-Go through Fitfluential. Free food? Heck yes! Before I get started, here’s a few fun facts about

“Diet-to-Go was founded in 1991, to deliver delicious, healthy weight loss meal plans at an affordable price. In a nation that has grown accustom to super-size portions, processed foods, empty calories and way too much sugar and salt, Diet-to-Go offers a simple, scientifically-proven approach to healthy, natural weight loss. Our approach does not chase the latest trends or top of the market practices; instead Diet-to-Go focuses on the common sense habits of a healthy diet – fully in-line with mainstream scientific thinking on healthy nutrition – and makes it affordable for the average person. Our diet meal plans includes portion control (restricted calories), balanced nutrition (protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber) and real, whole foods that are low in sodium and sugar.”

Facts about Diet-to-Go:

  • Most inexpensive fresh diet delivery service on the market (doesn’t compare to nutrisystem because they don’t ship fresh meals, they ship meals that don’t have to be refrigerated).
  • Diet-to-Go has a new customer meal plan management tool {just launched this month}. Customers can now log in and make as many meal substitutions as they want, change their plan, and can pause their plan and restart easily.
  • Recently rated #1 diet delivery company by Epicurious
  • There are no cancellation fees or gimmick pricing. There is no commitment or contract, and they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You can pause, stop, or restart your plan at any time. You are in control.
  • There are 3 unique menus(low-fat, vegetarian & low-carb) and 20 plans to choose from.
  • According to a University of Washington study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, high-quality, healthy foods cost on average $18.16 per 1,000 calories – just for the ingredients! That’s why eating healthy with Diet-to-Go is such a great value.
  • Everything you need is included. No shopping, no complicated recipes, and no messy clean-up – It’s like having your own personal chef. Best of all, it may be less expensive than trying to do it on your own.

I decided to try out their Vegetarian plan and I was plesantly surprised by how tasty these meals were! Here’s a look at some…


Veggie Burrito, Polenta and Green Beans
I loved this meal! I loved grilled veggies and the ones in the burrito had a lot of flavor! I’m also a big fan of polenta. This polenta was yummy and creamy.
Curried Cous Cous with Creamy Spinach and a Roll
This was a quick and easy lunch for me! I brought this meal in to work, heated it up in the microwave and was on my way! There was more than enough food that’s for sure. I didn’t even finish all the cous cous and it kept me feeling full for the rest of the day.


Bean Burritos, Rice and Veggies
These were so good! My mail complaint was that there were barely any veggies! Only a few pieces of broccoli and some carrots with one little bit of cauliflower! I ended up adding more veggies to my meal since I can’t eat rice. The burritos were delicious though. I mean who doesn’t love a bean and cheese burrito? Plus they used whole wheat tortillas. Sold.


Lentil Loaf, Green Beans and Mashed Sweet Potatoes
This was my favorite meal so far. I’ve never had lentil loaf before, but this was so tasty. The green beans were delicious as well, but I’ll admit that I was a bit bummed about the sweet potatoes. I loved sweet potatoes and these just were not good to me.

So there you have it, my honest opinion on a few of the diet meals that I tried! Overall, I highly approve. I’m not sure I would be able to follow the meal plan and eat these for every meal, but that’s just because I’m picky. If you’re looking to lose weight, work on portion control and eat healthier, Diet-to-Go is the way to go! Quick, easy, yummy meals at your fingertips.

Want to try Diet-to-Go?  All my readers can get 20% off any meal plan! Just use the Coupon code: fitfluential at!

**Disclaimer: All opinions stated are my own. Diet-to-Go provided me with free meals via Fitfluential to review. Post is sponsored by Diet-to-Go.**

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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