Amy's Balancing Act
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My Sister’s College Graduation

My Sister’s College Graduation

On Saturday, my baby sister graduated from Texas A&M – Corpus Christi with a Bachelor of Science in Education with an emphasis on Pre-Physical Therapy. I couldn’t be more proud. I’m not sure if this is a hint that I should stop calling her my baby sister, but let’s get real – that probably won’t happen.

She looked absolutely radiant and she didn’t trip on stage! So proud 🙂 Luckily, I had the Logo Quiz app on my iPhone to keep me occupied while she wasn’t the star of the stage. Following the ceremony, we headed out to the sea wall for lots and lots of pictures.


With her Tri-Delta sisters. While at TAMU-CC Emily was so involved! She was even president of her sorority her senior year!


She’s a rock star. I may be biased because she’s related to me.






These are just a glimpse into the pictures we took following graduation. Seeing as though my family is HUGE, it took quite some time for us to get pictures with everyone. We may have been practically the last people there…kind of, but not really.

Graduation was followed by BEACH TIME!!! Oh how I love the beach. I’m a little jealous that Emily got to spend the past 4 years so close to the ocean! She chose her school wisely 🙂 And did I mention that we decided to bring Miss Maggie along? She loved being able to roam around, but she is still terrified of the water. I’m still trying to figure out what it ever did to her!

Beach time = Photo shoot time. Emily wanted to get some senior pictures on the beach and I just wanted to play America’s Next Top Model. So, we both got what we wanted.

A quick picture with the hubby before my wardrobe change! Now let me bombard you with pictures! {As if I haven’t already} I hope you enjoy!





Props to the photog…aka Momma…for capturing this moment. It makes my heart smile.









So…what do you think? I couldn’t just choose one or two pictures because there were so many good ones! And trust me…I left quite a few out! Now considering the number of pictures in this post, I’ll keep the text limited 🙂 I suppose I have work to do anyway! Happy Tuesday y’all {and happy day before your birthday to my hubby!}

Until next time…
With love and God bless,

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